Minggu, 05 Oktober 2008


Ignorant Talic Used in upgrading weapons, Increase attack. N

Destruction Talic Used in upgrading weapons, Steals targets health points (HP). N

Darkness Talic Used in upgrading weapons, Steals targets force points (FP). N

Chaos Talic Used in upgrading weapons, Increases stun chance. N

Hatred Talic Used in upgrading ranged weapons, increases range of attack. N

Favor Talic Used in upgrading armor, Increases overall defense. N

Wisdom Talic Used in upgrading armor (helmet), Decreases debuff's on your character. N

SacredFire Talic Used in upgrading weapon and armor, Changes weapon to fire element or increases fire elemental resist. N

Belief Talic Used in upgrading weapons and armor, changes weapon to water element or upgrades water elemental resist. N

Guard Talic Used in upgrading weapons and armor, Changes weapon to terra element or increases terra elemental resist. N

Glory Talic Used in upgrading weapons or armor, Changes weapon to wind element or increase wind elemental resist. N

Grace Talic Used in upgrading armor, Increases accuracy. N

Mercy Talic Used in upgrading armor (boots), Increases dodge. N

Restoration Talic Used in upgrading weapon and armor, removes most recently applied talic. N

Talic Master (High) High chance of duplicating talics. N

Talic Master (Low) Low chance of duplicating talics. N

Talic Master (Medium) Medium chance of duplicating talics. N

Talic Master (Top) Very High chance of duplicating talics. N

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